Tag: Chinese Classical Poetry
《姑孰十咏·望夫山》|Gushu Ten Odes·Wangfu Mountain
《姑孰十咏·望夫山》 颙望临碧空,怨情感离别。 江草不知愁,岩花但争发。 云山万重隔,音信千里绝。 春去秋复来,相思几时歇? By Li Po (Tang Dynasty) Gazing up at the boundless blue sky, A sorrowful heart mourns the distant parting. River grasses know not the weight of grief, Cliffside flowers vie only to bloom. Mountains and clouds, ten thousand layers apart, All news cut off across a thousand miles. Spring fades,…
《姑孰十咏·慈姥竹》|Ten Poems of Gushu·Bamboo of CiLao
野竹攒石生,含烟映江岛。 翠色落波深,虚声带寒早。 龙吟曾未听,凤曲吹应好。 不学蒲柳凋,贞心常自保。 By Li Po (Tang Dynasty) Wild bamboo clusters among rocks, Veiled by mist, reflecting the river isle. Green shadows layered upon the waves, Rustlings carry the early autumn chill. I’ve never heard the dragon’s roar, Yet the melody of the bamboo flute excels. Do not learn from the wilting reed &…
《姑孰十咏·桓公井》|Ten Poems of Gushu·Huan Gong’s Well:
《姑孰十咏·桓公井》 桓公名已古,废井曾未竭。 石甃冷苍苔,寒泉湛孤月。 秋来桐暂落,春至桃还发。 路远人罕窥,谁能见清澈? By Li Po (Tang Dynasty) Huan Gong passed for ages, Yet the old well has never run dry. Stone walls chilled with green moss, Cold spring water reflects the lonely moon. In autumn, paulownia leaves briefly fall, In spring, peach blossoms bloom anew. The path is distant, and few come…
《姑孰十咏·凌歊台》| Ten Poems of Gushu·Lingxiao Terrace
旷望登古台,台高极人目。 叠嶂列远空,杂花间平陆。 闲云入窗牖,野翠生松竹。 欲览碑上文,苔侵岂堪读? By Li Po (Tang Dynasty) Climbing the ancient terrace to gaze afar, The terrace stands high, beyond visual range. Layered peaks lie in the distant sky, Mixed flowers dot the flat land below. Leisurely clouds glide through the windows, Wild greens blanket the pines and bamboo. I wish to read the…
《姑孰十咏·谢公宅》|Gushu Ten Poems·XieGong’s Residence
青山日将瞑,寂寞谢公宅。 竹里无人声,池中虚月白。 荒庭衰草遍,废井苍苔积。 唯有清风闲,时时起泉石。 By Li Po (Tang Dynasty) Green hills darken with the falling sun, Xie Gong’s residence lies in solitude. No voices heard in the bamboo grove, An empty pond reflects the pale white moon. The wild courtyard grows with withered grasses, A deserted well congested with green moss. Only the leisurely breeze…
《姑孰十咏·姑孰溪》|Gushu Ten Poems·Gushu Stream
唐 • 李白 爱此溪水闲,乘流兴无极。 漾楫怕鸥惊,垂竿待鱼食。 波翻晓霞影,岸叠春山色。 何处浣纱人?红颜未相识。 By Li Po (Tang Dynasty) Loving this stream graceful, Floating along, endless joy arises Gently rowing, fearing to startle the gulls Casting a line, waiting for the fish to bite waves toss shadow of morning glow, edges overlayed in spring hill’s color. Where’s she washing silk? Her fair…
【姑孰十咏·丹阳湖】| Ten Poems of Gushu: Danyang Lake
唐 • 李白 湖与元气连,风波浩难止。 天外贾客归,云间片帆起。 龟游莲叶上,鸟宿芦花里。 少女棹归舟,歌声逐流水。 By Li Po (Tang Dynasty) The lake connects with the vigor Wind never stops the heaving waves A merchant returns from the outer In clouds a single sail raises Turtles swim on lotus leaves Birds nestle among reeds Young girls paddle back home Their songs follow the flows.…
《花非花 》| Flowers not Flowers
花非花 唐 • 白居易 花非花,雾非雾,夜半来,天明去。 来如春梦几多时?去似朝云无觅处。 flowers not flowers, fog not fog, midnight comes, dawn leaves, coming like spring dreams fleet, leaving like morning clouds find nowhere (Translated 7/18/2024)
《天净沙·秋思》Autumn Thoughts
作者:马致远 (元) 枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马。 夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯。 Dried vines; old trees; dusk crows Small bridge; running water; huts Old road; west wind; slim horse Sundown blazes away the heartbroken in the distance Translated 07/07/2024
望月怀远|Watch Moon to Miss distant loved ones
望月怀远 张九龄〔唐代〕 海上生明月,天涯共此时。 情人怨遥夜,竟夕起相思。 灭烛怜光满,披衣觉露滋。 不堪盈手赠,还寝梦佳期。 The moon rises o’er the sea, we share this moment, distant but belong. Lovers dislike the endless night, yearning fills with all night long. Quenching the candle, savoring the full moon, donned clothes, damp with dew, Unable to hold a handful of silver light, better to sleep, in dreams…